
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 04:06 - Canada - London

Today, I finally gave in to my long-distance boyfriend's requests and texted him dirty things. Any time I would send him something, he would reply, "What?" or "What do you mean?" Either I'm not doing this right, or I'm in a relationship with the most innocent person ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 019
You deserved it 7 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wants dirty texts? Send him a picture of mud, maybe he'll understand that. Quite dirty if I do say so myself.

m22100 14

Maybe you should send pics, that's more clear. ;)


cakeb_soms 5
graphicstyle7 17

The words "long distance boyfriend" send up a red flag to me. How well do you know this person? Are you sure he isn't on the other end, possibly with someone else, egging you on to say things by acting dumb?

does your boyfriend happen to be Canadian too?

I think he just wants you to go into more detail OP