
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 04:06 - Canada - London

Today, I finally gave in to my long-distance boyfriend's requests and texted him dirty things. Any time I would send him something, he would reply, "What?" or "What do you mean?" Either I'm not doing this right, or I'm in a relationship with the most innocent person ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 019
You deserved it 7 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wants dirty texts? Send him a picture of mud, maybe he'll understand that. Quite dirty if I do say so myself.

m22100 14

Maybe you should send pics, that's more clear. ;)


m22100 14

Maybe you should send pics, that's more clear. ;)

That could go very bad very fast. Especially if the relationship doesn't last. Plus the NSA is watching...

The NSA is currently too busy posing as facebook to notice; go for it.

smc3106 25

Just keep your face out of them and you'll be alright. Lol

RedPillSucks 31

Damn. That was harsh! You saying she's a butter face?

He's saying if you keep your face out of the pictures and they do get posted online at least no one will know who it's a picture of.

It's a common rule of sending nudes to never include your face.

cryssycakesx3 22

He wants dirty texts? Send him a picture of mud, maybe he'll understand that. Quite dirty if I do say so myself.

Sometimes I send a picture of a public restroom. Now that's dirty as hell.

The worst toilet in Scotland from "Trainspotting"? Doesn't get much dirtier than that.

cryssycakesx3 22

I loved that movie. that bathroom is definitely the dirtiest.

Send him illustrations, that should clear things up.

BeautifulChaos27 37

Lets hope he really knows what you mean and is just trying to get more detailed responces out of you by playing dumb.

doglover100 28

What did he expect when he said "dirty things"?

Sometimes being vague or implying things rather than stating them flat out is confusing. Some guys just need you to say exactly what you want when you want it and tell them exactly what you are going to do in detail.

TallMist 32

Why is #9 thumbed down? He's right. Some things you gotta say bluntly rathher than subtlely.

Remember: all those euphemisms you learned to use don't make sense if you pile them all in one sentence.

Don't get mad at him. He seems pretty good for you.

How could you possibly get that from what she said?