
By babybreath - 03/06/2009 02:08 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my baby cousin. I was lying on my back playing with her, while holding her up in the air. As I was doing that, I made cooing noises and funny faces to get her to laugh. She laughed and threw up in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 106
You deserved it 10 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kelllieeee_ 0

how could he/she deserve that? whats wrong with you peopleeee lol im sorryyyy, hah thats really grosssss


shreena112 0

something just like that happened to mee!

SaMmIMonster96 6

If you think that is gross, you will not want kids..

kelllieeee_ 0

how could he/she deserve that? whats wrong with you peopleeee lol im sorryyyy, hah thats really grosssss

Euroguy20 0

Oh yeah wake up yea!! Love jersey shore lol

MiniFil 0

You should of spit it out right back in their face, babies like that kind of stuff. Ming Ming!

Eww, babies can sometimed really be a pain... Guess you shouldn't lether go on a roller coaster when shes older xD

#6 - you know nothing about babies obv. OP - it happens.. sucks it was in your mouth, but generally when you tip babies upside down or up the the air or w/e they throw up. My friends 5 month old kid was just sitting on my knee last week and randomly threw up his lunch (mmm regurjed milk...) on my leg...

f_mylife24 0

pukeeylicious =) you probably fed your cousin and didn't let her digest it before holding her up in the air.

OMG! :D I love you for sharing this! About ten years ago this happened to me with my brother. I seriously thought I was the only one and my mom never let me live it down.

#11, Obviously the little girl couldn't help it. It was no ones fault really, Shit happens. I mean, what's so bad about making a kid laugh and giving them a good time? ..Even if it leads to someone else's vomit in your mouth. FYL