Classic mistake

By Katy - 14/02/2023 18:00

Today, after I finished giving my baby a bottle then burping her, I lifted her up and was bringing her in for kisses. As I was doing this, I felt this warm liquid hit my lips and slide into my mouth. I instantly pulled her back and she'd vomited. It took everything out of me not to vomit myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 747
You deserved it 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahhh Parenthood. You are now official. It stinks, but happens to most all of us. Mine was lifting my daughter up while laying on the bed. Set her down beside me and rolled to the trashcan quickly.


Ahhh Parenthood. You are now official. It stinks, but happens to most all of us. Mine was lifting my daughter up while laying on the bed. Set her down beside me and rolled to the trashcan quickly.