
By phonesage - 13/12/2010 20:29 - United States

Today, I went to meet the girl I'd been talking to online for a while, and fallen in love with. When I arrived at her house, my brother answered the door and took a picture of my shocked face. He and his girlfriend had planned the entire thing because I'm apparently the most gullible member of the family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 704
You deserved it 10 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ninjafriends 1

Let's hope you didn't fap to this "girl"


Pandora9321 0

that's so sad haha. and somewhat pathetic.

foxgirl715 0

shoulda punched him in the face! what an asshole I'm sorry :/

blondieXoXoXo 0
jennayyydoll 0

What assholes. Your brother deserves to have his computer shoved his ass and the girlfriend deserves to have the keyboard and mouse shoved up hers. They are dumb ******.

sallen0046 4

You pretty much deserve it for allowing yourself to believe you can "fall in love" with someone you've spent absolutely no time with in person. Online personalities are not the same as sitting in a room with someone.

XxFallenbladexX 0

that's honestly the meanest thing i've ever heard a family do to their own family member..yet it is kind if stupid of you to randomly pick up a girl on the Internet and fall in love with her if she mostly had 2 or 3 pics of herself. So FYL AND YDI idiot.

YDI for falling in love online, but I'm empathetic because love can be a bitch.

So did you bang her or not? I'd say they owe you one.