
By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 17:09 - United States

Today, my entire family of five is sharing one roll of toilet paper. My parents refuse to buy any, because my father can get it free from his work. He's forgotten to bring any home every day without fail for the past seven days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 535
You deserved it 3 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow your parents are cheap. Just buy your own, and let no one use it.

"get it free from work" usually means "steal it from work" and your dad hasn't forgotten. He's probably being watched by the supervisor. He's not only cheap but he's a criminal and he's going to look like an absolute idiot when he has to tell people he lost his job for stealing toilet paper. FYL, it really sucks when you have to suffer because your parent are idiots. What else does your dad get "free" from work?


One toilet roll lasts 3 people(and maybe the guests that come over but they usually use the downstairs toilet) 2-3 days in my house. One roll for 5 of us used to be 1-2 days. x_x

54. i don't CAPITALIZE on purpose. and also i was being SARCASTIC. so you should calm your angsty young self down.

samicna 4

stealing from work I hope your dad gets fired

Alanah101 0

Sorry? Probably by the time my message post. You've gotten other rolls of paper?

jmm23 0
structuredchaoz 4

A family of 5 likely has members old enough to work and help out. Things aren't like they used to be so you might want to get used to wiping your own ass. Literally.

Hide the roll, use it yourself, then leave some of those slick paper junkmail flyers in the bathroom for your dad to wipe his ass on. If he has to use that to wipe with then I bet you'll have an abundance of stolen toilet paper from now on.

Ninjafriends 1

Laxatives, not a one way ticket out of town, you silly rabbit! "We gave poppa some laxatives seven years ago. We haven't seen him since."