Cheat code

By justno - 15/04/2022 00:00

Today, my 7-year-old daughter has been hopelessly stuck on an easy puzzle in her favorite video game for a week now. Today, she excitedly told me that she'd figured it out. The solution to the puzzle? No, she’s figured out how to look up a walkthrough on the internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 691
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missedhighfivemakessad 4

“Today I realized I’d rather watch my kid struggle for my own entertainment then get pissy when she goes elsewhere for help. I also realized I enjoy making fun of her by stating this on the same internet she had to run to instead of me” There fixed it for you

Marcella1016 31

If it was that easy, why didn’t you take the opportunity to work with her and help her figure it out. Would’ve been some great bonding time and she’d have cherished that memory forever. Oh well now she knows the internet will deliver all her desires, so instead she’s lost forever.


Marcella1016 31

If it was that easy, why didn’t you take the opportunity to work with her and help her figure it out. Would’ve been some great bonding time and she’d have cherished that memory forever. Oh well now she knows the internet will deliver all her desires, so instead she’s lost forever.

missedhighfivemakessad 4

“Today I realized I’d rather watch my kid struggle for my own entertainment then get pissy when she goes elsewhere for help. I also realized I enjoy making fun of her by stating this on the same internet she had to run to instead of me” There fixed it for you

Was the puzzle supposed to be easy for her age, or yours? Because I see no problem whatsoever for looking on the internet for a tip if I need it.

She did figure it out. Having the wherewithal to know where to look to find a walkthrough and then apply it is pretty impressive for a 7-year-old. There are adults who can't even imagine doing that.

The whole ethos that parents have of “solve it on your own” just creates cheaters and sneaks. In school, kids just copy off each other. In this case, they find the solution one way or another. Back in the 90s, my brother was stuck on a video game puzzle and our father refused to help talk him through it. So he took a cordless phone and called a friend who wakes him through it, often hiding the phone when people were around.

What may be easy for you, could be difficult for her. She used her resources to find help when she needed it.

kitten79TX 5

So your small child got "stuck," and was smart enough to figure out a solution to a problem you could have helped her with but chose not to... and you think this is an FML for YOU? Your kid was excited to finally get through a level that was tough for them...

diraven 15

At least she learned a valuable life skill. Looking up how the hell to do your job on the internet is the main part of every profession these days.

She should’ve given up on the puzzle and never played the game again like the rest of us pre-internet kids. /sarcasm

Dude. She's 7. That's pretty impressive, honestly. Knowing when to ask for help, and where/how find a helpful resource is an important skill. It's more than a little disappointing that you apparently let her struggle for a whole week without so much as a nudge in the right direction. Not everything's intuitive to somebody who doesn't have the same life experience as you. Video game systems, even "easy ones" for little kids aren't always apparent to people who haven't played video games for decades, y'know?