There you go

By Anonymous - 04/07/2018 01:30

Today, our work computers are down so I've been trying to fix it via my home computer for 3 days. My 12-year-old son took one look at the screen, changed 2 settings on a drop down menu, and the problem was fixed. My 12-year-old is better at my job than I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 933
You deserved it 1 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not taking credit from your son, but it sounds like you aren't qualified to have the job that you have, if the fix was that simple.

Young minds are often better at new technology. Tons of teens have taught themselves to write code.


Not taking credit from your son, but it sounds like you aren't qualified to have the job that you have, if the fix was that simple.

For techs sometimes the simplest fix is more difficult to figure out

Young minds are often better at new technology. Tons of teens have taught themselves to write code.

Is your company hiring? Your son just got himself a future job.

Yes, your kid may be more technically skilled than you are, but the rest of us are heartened by the lovable incompetence of the IT department. If IT knew what they were doing, they’d be scary as shit!

PenguinPal3017 19

I'm really interested in knowing exactly what the problem was.

Now the interesting part about this would be knowing what's your job. This is an entirely different thing depending on whether you're a administrator or just a worker trying to fix something because there's no help available.

If he's coming for your job, you need to call ICE and deport him.

thatslifeiguess7 16

My daughter talks in computer code. I have no idea what she is talking about

IF you don’t understand her, THEN Take a computer class ELSE Shut the **** up. ENDIF