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I'm the main character!

By Singer - 08/01/2023 03:00

Today, I found out why my friends don’t invite me to Karaoke Thursday Nights anymore. Apparently, I act like a “show off” and “presumptuous” and make the others feel bad. It’s not my fault I have a decent singing voice. I guess they don’t like that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 389
You deserved it 1 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's more your narcissistic assholeishness that they don't like. Get over yourself before your friends get over you. YDI

with your attitude, I wouldn't have invited you anywhere to begin with. I'm surprised they're still your friends... unless they aren't anymore. expect to see a lot less of them in the future. just saying. lol


I think it's more your narcissistic assholeishness that they don't like. Get over yourself before your friends get over you. YDI

Nikki 17

I totally can’t tell at all why you’d be uninvited, you seem like a really lovely and down to earth person from this post

with your attitude, I wouldn't have invited you anywhere to begin with. I'm surprised they're still your friends... unless they aren't anymore. expect to see a lot less of them in the future. just saying. lol

Ugh. People with "decent" singing voices are so boring at karaoke. If you're not fantastic or horrible, don't bother with public karaoke. Just buy a home machine and celebrate your mediocrity in private.