Cheat mode

By Kiki - 23/06/2016 23:54 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I found out that my brother buys audiobooks only to play them on "mute" so that he can tell everyone that he read them later and flaunt the proof. The rest of my family think he is a genius for reading War and Peace in two days and won't listen to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 987
You deserved it 1 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not just ask him a question of a huge plot point? Even better, talk about it and say something wrong. If he agrees, point out you were lying and it really said something else. He's missing out on wonderful literature. Make him regret it!

Tarah_rox 12

Oh well OP! It will show through in his work the little knowledge he has of the book. Karma, his fault.


Mysterious_one 26

why are you bitching about it ? are jealous that everybody thinks he is a genius and you're not ? then just read a book .. try to look smart

Even if you "read" an audio book and actually listen you're not really a genius cause a lot of people will do that for background noise and zone out a lot of the time. You miss out either way with an audio book unless you follow the text and pause it when you're confused you're not gunna gain as much knowledge as you would from reading it. Your family sounds pretty dumb for thinking he's a genius when he uses audiobooks.

I love audiobooks. They allow me to "read" when I'm going monotonous tasks like dishes or laundry or mowing because I don't have to focus much on the task, I can focus on the book. I'm always reading three books at once, one physical book for leisure reading, one ebook for on the go reading and an audio book for task reading. It works well for me.

This is the second dumbest thing to come out of Britain in days!

read a random part of the book then ask him about when your parents are there make sure it's not a part he can get from spark notes or Wikipedia

Audio books don't count as reading anyway, they require literally no effort.

Hey he's the one draining his wallet for no reason.

Why don't I have the YDI option? You defiantly do, by the way, for getting bent out of shape about something that has nothing to do with you.

Incidentally, mixing up two completely different words like "defiantly" and "definitely" is a great way to get some people bent out of shape.

Yeah, tried to read it the way it was written three times before it pissed me off!

Lol that's pretty funny. Whatever op, it'll catch up to him eventually

Record him doing it and zoom in on the mute button

Why do they think he is a genius for playing a recording over two days anyway? If he actually read it that quick, fair enough. But listening to an audiobook requires no brain power and the length of a recording doesn't correlate with the listeners intelligence.