Funny story…

By Anonymous - 25/05/2024 22:00 - United States

Today, I met my girlfriend’s parents for the first time. I wanted to break the ice, so I brought up a funny story… about my ex-girlfriend, without thinking. The room fell silent, and my girlfriend’s mom just stared at me. My girlfriend left the room in tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84
You deserved it 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody wants to hear about your ex’s unless they ask. Remember that! … OP, apologize to your girlfriend for your insensitivity and see if you can get her to open up about why she reacted that way and learn that lesson!


Nobody wants to hear about your ex’s unless they ask. Remember that! … OP, apologize to your girlfriend for your insensitivity and see if you can get her to open up about why she reacted that way and learn that lesson!