By cat lady - 07/01/2016 03:38 - United States - Netcong
By cat lady - 07/01/2016 03:38 - United States - Netcong
By catslave - 17/09/2016 08:43 - New Zealand
By HereKittyKitty - 01/12/2013 20:27 - United States - Carlsbad
By kittynapper - 17/07/2014 23:32 - United States - Denver
By Anonymous - 07/06/2017 20:00 - United States - Coplay
By kitty - 11/11/2012 10:10 - Australia
By Emmaraine189 - 28/04/2016 02:22 - Canada - Winnipeg
By Exhausted Cat Catcher - 24/07/2022 19:00 - United States
By Apes - 25/03/2013 07:18 - United States - Temecula
By Today I closed every door on every floor of my building - 23/02/2025 16:00 - United States - Hampstead
By Trained and Conditioned - 24/10/2022 07:00 - United States
at least meow you know the truth
This is a first class pun. Well done
Did you rip that bitch a new one and threaten her with the police if she tried to steal your cat again?
Police is a smart move. In some states, its a felony to steal pets.
I had a neighbor try to steal my dog once. He had gotten outside without a leash (we were still trying to get him used to the area; he'd get lost if he was out on his own) and she picked him up while she was driving in her car and was about to take him home. My dad had been walking around and stopped her car to ask if she had seen our dog, and she said no. My dad noticed she had something in a towel and asked what it was, and that's when our dog barked and stuck his head out. Our dog is meant to help my dad with his PTSD and this random lady was about to just take him from us. Some people are really inconsiderate of others and will pick up and keep any animal they think is cute.
Now THAT is messed up.. Ppl are ****** up
FYL and OP's life. Some neighbours are just really inconsiderate
Tell me where. I must kill this bitch.
my neighbor has this cute black cat, it always sits in the basement Bay window at the front of the house, one day someone broke that window and took the poor cat. later my neighbor saw the cat in a cage in the front yard of someone's house, it had the tags and everything. the police were called and he got the cat back... and it was -30 c outside
This happened to us, except it was my 2 year old nephews dog, and the dog was missing for several days, apparently the woman saw the dog and took him, and she practically fought my mom for that dog swearing it was hers and she found him so uts only fair that she keep him.
When my current cat's mother was a kitten, the grandmother got snatched by someone who saw her by the road. She went missing and left several kittens, their eyes just barely open and in the middle of winter in a cold barn. So we posted online, they called and it turns out they took her two towns away after they supposedly came up to the barn to see if anyone was there (which I was, so I know they didn't), oh, and she wasn't nursing so it was fine. I went off on them, her belly was filled with milk obviously. If her tom son from the first litter hadn't gone up there and tried to care for them, I don't think I would have my kitten now.
This honestly infuriates me...I don't even have words. I really hate people sometimes. I'm so happy you have your dog!
I had this happen, also. My dog small mix dog (about 10 lbs) was in my fully fenced yard with my other dog (100 lb pitbull) and while the larger dog was distracted, a lady drive by and reached in my fence and grabbed my dog! Luckily i heard the neighbors dogs bark and ran up and got in front of her car. Her excuse?? "i was worried about that little dog with the big dog, thought it would eat her!".
It's sad that so many people have had the same experience as me. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat and I would honestly be so heartenbroken if they were ever actually taken. My dad would be so lost if my neighbor had actually gotten away with taking our dog because, like I said, he needs the dog as an emotional support dog for his PTSD. I have depression and anxiety and my dog helps to calm me down and make me feel better. My brother has anger issues and our cat practically keeps him sane. There can be so many reasons people have their pets and taking that away can ruin their life.
This is so true and I can't even imagine the mental capacity of these said people. Have they no conscious? #102 I can totally understand where you and your family are coming from. Hope and peace.
Ouch... Did you try to get her back? That's horrible what your neighbor did.
Ah right, wow, I didn't even think of that. I thought for some reason that meant the neighbor was keeping her cat an indoor cat to prevent her from escaping back to her owner.
I had shitty neighbors like that. Two different ones. They flat out tried to steal two of my cats, luring them inside and keeping them captive for weeks until one somehow escaped her captor and ran back home wearing a different collar and name tag than I had given her, and the other darted outside from the house across the street from us while my husband was home and he saw the lady frantically trying to call the cat back in after she saw my husband out in the yard and looking very closely at the cat, whom had been missing for a month at that point. When we went over later that evening to claim him, not accusing her of stealing him but just explaining that we had been missing our cat for a while and we thought we had seen him lurking around her house and gave photo evidence that he was ours, she tried to play the "oh my goodness, yes, we have him! We rescued him, see, he was going to be hit by a car but we ran out and scooped him up, we thought he was a stray!!" Absolute bullshit since we know she had seen us with him before and he was wearing a collar at the time of his apparent kidnapping, but we pretended to buy the story and she gave him back to us in the end, so all's well that ends well I guess. Needless to say, my cats have also been indoor kitties ever since. People are crazy.
Sorry to hear your neighbor is a catnapper. I hope your cat pissed all over her house.
why do people steal pets? there's gotta be better things to do than steal pets. LIKE GETTING ONE OF YOUR OWN. sheesh, some people.
Because they're too lazy to just adopt one themselves.
Wow. Some neighbors you have .
There was once a kid in my neighborhood, no more than 11 years old, who was mentally sick. He would capture cats and disembowel them with a pocket knife! My cats were strictly indoor cats after we heard about it. People are crazy and inconsiderate. Luckily you found yours, OP. I'd be mad enough to rip your neighbor a new asshole.
OMG that sounds awful! Shouldn't someone have reported that kid?
Someone did, which is how I heard about it. Maybe a week later we stopped seeing the kid, so either he moved or was placed in juvy or idk. But I still didn't want to chance it. My cats are indoors till this very day.
That's horrible. He deserves to rot in juvenile hall.
#22: No, that kid needs help and should be put into a psych ward.
Holy crap, that's a serial killer in the making.
By any chance is his name Dexter? But seriously ~Who gives an 11 year old a pocketknife??? Parents should be fined and charged with stupidity. Then fined for each animal to be paid to the owners. I hope the police keep an eye on him as he grows up. In this case the neighbors need to know to keep their pets protected inside and not leave even their dogs unattended in their own yard. Also keep an eye out for him if they see him walking off with any animal to intervene and call the cops or his parents and not let him out of their sight until the animal is safe. Kids like that should be on an animal abuser list and have to notify the neighborhood just like sex offenders. Adults convicted of animals abuse should have to also. Convicted child abusers might as well have their own list while we are at it. Three strikes and they get euthanized.
#55, I got a dull swiss army knife as a cub scout when I was about that age, maybe a little younger, and my parents let me keep it. They were neither abusive nor neglectful. They laid down a few ground rules and it helped teach me about the importance of safety and trust. I never violated them because I didn't want to lose the knife and more importantly I didn't want to lose their trust.
#55 I was given my first pocket knife at the age of 8. My parents were neither abusive nor neglectful. I live in an area where having a knife is pretty much a given as quite a few people hunt, fish, or work outside on various things. It's not uncommon for kids to receive their first knife on their 4th or 5th birthday. Of course it all depends on the child and whether or not they know how to respect rules but it's not that unusual for preteens to have knives.
Like turning one piece of cat into two pieces of cat?
I don't understand people who allow pets loose outside unsupervised. You wouldn't do that with a toddler. Kitty will be better off indoors.
My family in Hilo, Hawaii have outdoor/indoor cats. The environment there is pretty nice and it's great for the cats to run around and do whatever they want for a bit. They always come home though. It's actually really common there.
I've lived on an acreages in the country my whole life and we have always had outside cats. (Well mainly outside and then they sleep in the garage at night) Not once have we ever had a problem. Heck almost all of my friends and neighbors have outside cats and all of them are perfectly fine and healthy. Most of my family own farms and they have a ton of outside cats and it's very rare that things happen to them. In the city it makes more sense to have indoor cats but in the country they are pretty safe to roam around.
Uh, cats can take care of themselves better than toddlers can. I live in the suburbs and our old cat was an outdoor cat and our two current ones are outdoor cats. They're fine and they come home to eat and sleep.
My cat only comes back home when he's hungry or tired. He sleeps and eats a lot so he wouldn't go to anyone else haha.
The majority of cats that live indoors (not all, but most that I've seen) end up morbidly obese and very unhealthy as they can't get a lot of exercise. They're meant to be outside, hunting etc. have you ever tried putting a harness on a cat to walk it??
cats aren't toddlers...
There's a bylaw in my city that a cat cannot be off leash off its property at any time. There are way too many coyotes and hawks, as well as cars. My cats are indoors and have two trees, plus enough run space to never stop, and we play with them enough that they are perfect weight and muscle. We do take the smaller cat for leash walks as well. Saying that your cat will be overweight if it's indoors is just lazy. My cats were rescued and I refuse to put them in the same situations the used to be in when I have the ability to give them better lives.
A lot of people keep their cats indoors and they're fine. I have a white cat and when we adopted her we had to sign that she wouldn't be an outdoor cat since white cats are sensitive to the sun. She doesn't even like going outside in a carrier, let alone just walking around. Also, other animals kind of scare her.
We don't let her out at night, but our cat is a born hunter. She can take care of herself for a few hours
It's ok to have them outdoors if it's a safe environment. Other than that, I agree.
I had a neighbor try to steal my dog once. He had gotten outside without a leash (we were still trying to get him used to the area; he'd get lost if he was out on his own) and she picked him up while she was driving in her car and was about to take him home. My dad had been walking around and stopped her car to ask if she had seen our dog, and she said no. My dad noticed she had something in a towel and asked what it was, and that's when our dog barked and stuck his head out. Our dog is meant to help my dad with his PTSD and this random lady was about to just take him from us. Some people are really inconsiderate of others and will pick up and keep any animal they think is cute.
Did you rip that bitch a new one and threaten her with the police if she tried to steal your cat again?