
By Anonymous - 24/04/2024 00:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend invited me over because her husband was going to work. That bastard picked the PERFECT day to have the stomach flu and call out of work to come back home. I had to hide in the closet naked with blue balls for three hours until he fell asleep so I could sneak out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 115
You deserved it 1 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mourka 5

Your a pretty cancerous individual, you know she is married but still decide to wreck someone's marriage. Hopefully karma hits you just as hard later in life.


mourka 5

Your a pretty cancerous individual, you know she is married but still decide to wreck someone's marriage. Hopefully karma hits you just as hard later in life.

tiptoppc 19

I hope you meet the large end of a bat, you two-timing scum-shoveling, inbred screwing used up old dairy cow.

Do you honestly think you are the victim in this situation?