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By cheaterscheat - 29/07/2012 01:21 - United States - Saint James

Today, I went to the hospital due to extreme sickness. My boyfriend saw this as an opportune time to take another girl out since I was "otherwise preoccupied." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 601
You deserved it 2 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

What a dick. He should've been with you to make sure you're okay. You deserve better than him, OP.


HowAreYouToday 34

Noooo... I couldn't tell...

HowAreYouToday 34

Noooo... I couldn't tell...

musicluvr2000 11

Really? You had me otherwise fooled for a sec.

Hm. 10 makes a shitty comment about things being obvious, gets thumbed down. 34 then proceeds to make an almost identical shitty comment despite 10 getting thumbed down.

No, she shoulda read the fine print of the contract...

HowAreYouToday 34

36- my stupidity wasn't enough, so someone had to multiply it.

musicluvr2000 11

36- haha. One for shitty comments.

musicluvr2000 11

1, agreed! My boyfriend stayed with me every single night when I was just hospitalized for 12, while fighting 3 fatal blood diseases. I'm hoping he's the ex-boyfriend now. That's unforgivable.

DontClickOnMe 28

What a dick. He should've been with you to make sure you're okay. You deserve better than him, OP.

HowAreYouToday 34

Right? I would go visit with flowers and soup, not decide to go out with someone else. Guess OP's boyfriend was never worth her time.

LittleAngel12 5

13- do u realize you ate being a ******* ass. So stop trying to be all cool and do us all a favor and shut your mouth

HowAreYouToday 34

I'm not "trying to be cool"; I'm trying to entertain myself... No wait, I'm *succeeding* at entertaining myself. So haw-haw.

Trisha_aus 15

I've got just the right tools for 13, a chainsaw and

HowAreYouToday 34

It's alright. I have a torture chamber... Usually for heavy duty s&m, but the toys still hurt. :D

Or you could just not date assholes in the first place

Kick him in the nads as soon as you are able to. It wouldn't change anything but, you'll feel better :)

I wouldn't really say to kick him in the nads. That could have permanent affects. But I would say that OP should lose him and find someone once she's better. Get well soon OP!

I'd still say kick him in the bollucks.

lukep135 6

I HaTe PeOpLe WhO TeXT wIeRd

I think we all paused after each word while reading 5's comment in our minds.

greenalleycat 4

Feel free to dump the rest of him too. Regardless of whether it's sorry or not

******* move on. Or do the same shit back. He's not worth your time if he sees your hopsitalization as his time to see other girls. That's not cool.

******* move on. Or do the same shit back. He's not worth your time if he sees your hopsitalization as his time to see other girls. That's not cool.

******* move on. Or do the same shit back. He's not worth your time if he sees your hopsitalization as his time to see other girls. That's not cool.

Seems like a good time to find someone else since he is now preoccupied.