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By Anonymous - 10/05/2022 12:00

Today, even though I have the flu and can barely stand, I wanted to treat myself to something nice, so I baked cookies. Now guess when was the exact moment my taste buds suddenly stopped working? Yep, right when the cookies were done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 818
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My brother in Christ, I believe you have The Covid.

Flu-like symptoms and loss of sense of taste? That reminds me of something...


Flu-like symptoms and loss of sense of taste? That reminds me of something...

My brother in Christ, I believe you have The Covid.

Hey, so there's thing thing going around -- you probably haven't heard of it -- that can cause you to lose your sense of smell and taste. Just don't leave the house for several days, and don't breathe near anybody. Please. (I don't care if you tested. False negatives happen all the time. Anosmia does *not* happen all the time. You have it.)

Feed a cold, Starve a flu. if you are hungry, yeah, what he said. it seems like something else.

ever since after getting covid once I have lost my sense of taste and smell due to excessive mucus and drainage