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By bieberslayer - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my AP Biology class, a student informed us she'd read that Antarctica had completely melted due to global warming, to which my friend gushed, "Yeah! It's been melted for, like, months." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 524
You deserved it 2 291

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unknown_user5566 26

I don't know whether I should blame the parents, or the educational system. Clearly, something failed these kids somewhere. Then again, I suppose they could just be idiots despite the best efforts of education and parenting.

TheDrifter 23

I'm going with the education system. They have lowered the bar so far that kids with moderate to severe downs syndrome can successfully pass standard courses. Just over a third of American high school graduates no longer even read well enough to be considered functionally literate.

crazytwinsmom 25

I'm not surprised my class Salutatorian thought that America purchased Antarctica around the same time of the gold rush and wanted to know its capital. Also in her AP calc class she asked the teacher to plug in the square root of one because she forgot her calculator. She's currently pursuing med school.

#32, I shudder to think that she might become my dentist;)

reilyn 10

Haha, at least it's not your area of curriculum. Not your fault. ><

Having been to Antarctica recently myself, I can assure your friend and classmate that what they're saying is untrue. Their ignorance is very disheartening, to say the least.

The phrase "common sense isn't common" burns brightly with this one. Just because kids have book smarts doesn't mean they have street smarts and common sense to go along with it. I once heard our salutatorian ask whats the square root of one. I'm completely not surprised by this.

sugarshane007 20

Seriously? Seriously?? Were these people dropped on their heads as kids? How does a polar pole just melt? It simply doesn't happen!

I thought penguins are in Antarctica and polar bears are in the arctic circle?

"Polar poles", seriously? It "the poles"

So, there were no ignorant people ever in prior generations? Only today's young people are driving the world into the ground? Good to know. Too bad that the world is flat. I think I'll fall off the edge from laughing so hard.

I feel you. I know a girl who didn't know if January or December came first... She was 16 at the time.

<sarcasm> Well, there is December and then there is January, so... </sarcasm>

I hope it wasn't a lab mate. I really enjoyed Majors Biology when I took it, but my teachers were funny, lol. I would facepalm and question... there's half the world population more stupid than the average person you know. Bad news... our future looks bleak.

The saddest part is that it's an AP biology class. If the AP kids can't even get their facts right, I don't even want to know what the regular classes are doing.