Coming soon…

By bieberslayer - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my AP Biology class, a student informed us she'd read that Antarctica had completely melted due to global warming, to which my friend gushed, "Yeah! It's been melted for, like, months." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 524
You deserved it 2 291

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I hate my peers. For reasons such as this one.

The force is strong in this one... Not...

Is this possibly a result of "social promotion"? I can't imagine our younger generation being taught this way. Once upon a time, students had to actually pass tests and do HOMEWORK at home!! Sounds like something Al Gore would say.

I say next to this girl Karen Smith last year; she asked me how to spell orange.

mydodee1999 1

This is what we get to look forward to in our future. Be very afraid!!!!

mvc3ftw 17

Maybe your friend was being sarcastic? Think positive op.

Antarctica is a land mass! What would Jesus do? Probably cry