Coming soon…

By bieberslayer - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my AP Biology class, a student informed us she'd read that Antarctica had completely melted due to global warming, to which my friend gushed, "Yeah! It's been melted for, like, months." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 524
You deserved it 2 291

Top comments


fucking_dev 2

this is an AP Bio class? we're ****** ..

cheer21moose 13

As a human being with common sense... This saddens me

cuffed_cutie 4

Oh my. I wonder which fast food chain he/she may end up at.

Did you stand up and slap the stupid out of her?

perdix 29

Yes, and a reference to an earlier FML. If you had read it, you would have found my previous comment hilarious!

jdmur 6

You know what the real problem with humans is? People are stupid enough to relate the whole younger generation with a couple idiot AP students. And plus, it's all about IB students.

xosarahx0ox 7

The sad thing is, AP kids are supposed to some of the brightest...

you know its, like, super hot up there, and its like, you know, melting things, you know, and a friend of mine knows this, like from first hand you know