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By Anonymous - 22/10/2016 04:32

Today, my boyfriend of nearly six months broke up with me. Over text. In a group chat. With the new girl he wanted to date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 527
You deserved it 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope the new girl shot him down after that display (she would if she had any brains at all). Personally, if someone tried to win me over by being a massive asshat to their current SO right in front of me, I would be so mortified. I would never want to talk to that D-Bag again, let alone date them.

dietcoke09 25

I hope you're young. If you're both over 20, good for you. You dodged a bullet with a very immature man.


dietcoke09 25

I hope you're young. If you're both over 20, good for you. You dodged a bullet with a very immature man.

Tell the new girl he has a tiny dick, cums too fast and farts incessantly.

That would just make OP petty and childish, not to mention they'd be stooping down to a really low level, and be considered just as bad as the now-ex, if not worse.

species4872 19

Should have replied by asking him if he still wanted you to go to the clinic with him for support.

Damn, if you just made it a month longer, it would've been a Facebook wall post. Then in another two months, it would've been a Craigslist ad. Ah, what could've been…

I hope the new girl shot him down after that display (she would if she had any brains at all). Personally, if someone tried to win me over by being a massive asshat to their current SO right in front of me, I would be so mortified. I would never want to talk to that D-Bag again, let alone date them.

If she didn't say no we can look forward to her FML soon. Although in this case it will be a YDI.

I'm sorry OP , I've been through it, I'm here for you if that helps :(

People like that don't even deserve hatred. He literally deserves nothing. Be glad you got rid of him.

People that dump others via text are the worst. I'm sorry you had to experience that OP, but also thinking you're lucky it happened that soon as opposed to in another 6 months or such. Enjoy your freedom and find someone else who will be worth your time and will actually care about you.

Everyone is going to say it, but it's true. You are better off OP. He sounds immature. Take a lesson from it and move along to better things.