Confusing family

By confused - 25/01/2015 03:26 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, my mom came into my room to yell at me because she thought she heard me having sex, saying I'm too young for it. I'm 23 and I wasn't having sex. The noises were from my dad watching porn in the next room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 375
You deserved it 2 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of a post a saw a while ago where a girl's dad thought she was making out with a boy but she was really eating spaghetti

sounds like your mom has some serious denial issues


Bah, she probably had it at 17, she should shit the **** up

Am I the only one who burst out laughing when I read this? Just pay some rent to your parents then put a lock on your bedroom door.

OP should just move out and stop being dependent on his parents.

Generally if your living at home past 20 chances are you can't afford rent. It's legitimately an epidemic with this generation of 20 year-olds.

I've been busting my ass since i was 16 I'm now 20 and still at home. Doesn't mean they're not trying just means financially it's not possible and some people want to move out there parents home once and not have to move back in after the first attempt

My mom lost her virginity at 21 (and got pregnant) and expects me to wait until then like she did. I'm not 21 yet and have to repeatedly lie to her whenever she freaks out, asking about me and my boyfriend of over a year. I know them crazy mom feels.

Ahem. You, my friend , are on the too young list. Seriously? you can't even wait to 21?

I'm passed the age of consent, so no. The point being parents shouldn't be saying "don't do it" to your kids, they should be teaching. My parents didn't teach me ANYTHING. I had to learn at school or through friends.

53- How did you reach that conclusion? All you know is that she's under 21 and above the age of consent (which is usually either 16 or 18). Doesn't sound too young to me.

kellilynn 18

@53 If she and her partner want to have sex, let them have sex. As she stated, she's over the consenting age. Her sex life doesn't have anything to you, so don't act like it does. And as for @35, keep on keeping on. Good luck with your relationship!

Well then maybe you can stop disappointing your mom if you stop being such a hoe. I dont think 21 is such an absurd milestone to reach before sex.

What s beauty. Your mother is simply looking out for you.

How is it "looking out" to stop someone from having sex? That's the worst thing you can do for a guy.

Their mother is invading their privacy and treating them like a child. No.

Charles900 16

Sounds like she's a little overprotective

Don't mothers think you're too young for sex until you or they are dead?