By rahrahcakes - 19/03/2012 07:36 - Australia - Brisbane

By rahrahcakes - 19/03/2012 07:36 - Australia - Brisbane
By swtkiss1 - 18/02/2009 22:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 22:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 08/08/2019 22:00 - United States - Houston
By confused - 25/01/2015 03:26 - United States - Minneapolis
By Person - 07/06/2009 18:07 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/09/2021 02:00
By Confused - 15/09/2009 09:58 - United States
By Stairway2Heaven - 02/03/2009 21:03 - Canada
By laydeegaga - 07/03/2010 08:13
By Enko - 09/11/2008 07:43 - France
Shy on the streets, sexy in the sheets.
She's definitely not innocent anymore haha
People live with their parents for a long time for many reasons. What I'm wondering is, why was mommy cleaning your room? Or is she just the type that'll do it even if you tell her not to? Hide your condoms better from now on!
That would defeat the purpose of using a condom then though.
Well no need to keep stuff "down under" from your mom, mate.
95 - Holy comma splices! If you want your comments to sound smart, you should probably use better grammar.
Did it impede your ability to read the comment? If not, you can **** right off.
108- He did use a comma inappropriately. However, your reaction was a little much. The comma immediately following the word "fact" should not be present. Aside from that, he was correct in setting off the word "sir" by using commas. If you still want to slowly roast him and serve him on a bed of lettuce, though, feel free to do so. I'll have a tender piece...
I'm a miss, thank you. -_-
125- I think they mean 95
154 - Yes, but 95 referred to her as "sir."
That cat doesn't "have swag". Its a hipster. T_T
I think you are wrong 182..
You have my sincere apologies, 95. I'm not sure why I typed "he", but I will forever remember that you are, indeed, a female.
And we spell "Mum" like that.
That sucks, man. But why do you still live with your parents, as was implied by your post?
I'm twenty and I live with my mom, just cos I can't afford to get my own place on a minimum wage salary right now. One of the girls I work with is 27 and she lives at home too. It's all about the money :/ I do pay her room and board though.
And I might add that I don't even have my own room... I sleep on the couch :(
4, Because this is the 21st century. Its common for people to live at home well into their late 20's, mostly because of the increased cost of living that is usually unsustainable for young or underemployed people. I mean hey, you could risk it and move out without enough backing to support yourself, or you could just swallow your pride and save up, making life a lot easier. It all entirely depends on the opinion of your family rather than yourself. If they're happy to have you then it's fine. If they want you gone, then I guess you're up shit creek :P It is only a problem if you remain at home despite being well off enough to move out, until you are, no harm done.
^completely agree!! If I could live at home I would. Although no where did the fml suggest op is still a student, but being one myself I know living on my own is extremely hard. Keep in mind most people get out of school with a large sum of debt, so hey why not! As for the room cleaning part, that's just what mothers do (and they almost always snoop). Or at least mine... Thank god I now live 5 Hrs away so she can't find excuses to casually "visit" all the time.
Sorry, if you have an computer/iPhone and net access, you're doing it wrong. I moved out at 22, got married and started a family. No collage education or silver spoon. Just worked hard and a lot, and didn't squander money on fun things.
My mum stopped cleaning my room when I was like 10, I say YDI for not cleaning your own room. And as for living at home, especially at 28, why not share a house with friends?
You guys are also making the assumption that OP asked her mom to clean her room. I know a lot of people, although they are only about 17 (same concept though), who's mom just cleans their room once in a while out of the goodness of their heart. It's also a way to snoop without looking like a bad mom.
I feel bad for people that live in such bad countries that they have to live with their parents after they turn 18. :< I moved out when I was barely 16. Doing fine, living in a nice place and I don't even have a job because we get money for going to school/college.
I think it's more of an issue with double standards more so than "hippocracy".
They should move out then if they don't want their parents in their room.
Your comment.
What is wrong with people these days?
Dafuq did I just read?
R u serious u want her to join
College. Lots of money. Some people can't afford to move out.
Hey I like what u wrote in the space
Tell the man that... I'm sure at moments like these OP wants nothing more than to live with him.
Why? I've been with my man for almost 3 years now, but the cost of rent, food, utilities and other random expenses is way too much for me to afford while I'm attending college. At home, just about everything is free. Your statement is officially invalid.
She's hinting for grandchildren.
she didn't say she lives at home, she might have a mother like Marie Barone who is pushy and comes over whenever she wants.
I think that all the new "great" music is down right shit. AC/DC, Rolling Stones, and almost anything from their era is what I've always listened to in my short 14 years of life and that will never change! Justin Beiber can go **** himself! ROCK FTW!!!!
142 - Lol you called JB a musician
I made an account also just to thumbs up this comment! Made my day ????
She probably will always see you as her little innocent daughter...
Clean your own room, your mum won't have to do it for you!