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Conversational skills

By no_leather_of_any_kind - 07/04/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I went on a date with this girl I met online. The conversation drifted and we were talking about how we'd prefer to die, if we had a choice. I said, "I want to skydive over the ocean without a parachute." She said she wants to be made into a wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 536
You deserved it 9 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to go to a wallet making factory

whocaresnotme 0

what the heck???? how bout u never talk to her ever again


that's what u get for meeting people online... oh yeah! first

whocaresnotme 0

what the heck???? how bout u never talk to her ever again

ducttapewallet 7

They could dry her skin and shape it into a very nice, creepy wallet.

BarDownDaily 12
Toasty283 8

Actually, why would you want to die of old age? Think about it, people exercise, eat right, and even tell others how to live, but that's no fun. Instead of wanting to live to be 100, try living life to your fullest, because those 100 years don't matter, what matters is how you live those years.

That's deep and you hit me hard in the feelings

Tell her to go to a wallet making factory

effliffe 0

drop her like a bad habit! avoid crazy bitches at all costs!

Natadance4eva 0

that's online ppl for ya...never know what to expect

digitalangel 0
klumzy0123456789 6

of course u wudnt ur a dumbie!!

uffiewuffie 0

She wants to be turned into a wallet when she dies.

Um... how is this an FML? At least she was interesting. If she was nice enough in other regards, as the saying goes, "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for wanting to be made into a wallet."

how the hell is this an FML. Just because you suck at making conversation doesn't mean it belongs on FML!, get a life!