By rejectedmidair - 13/11/2009 07:14 - United States
Same thing different taste
Dream proposal
By groomfail - 02/03/2009 01:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/07/2009 23:04 - United States
Did she say yes at least?
By Anonymous - 10/02/2023 18:00
Will youuuuuuu ?
By Ido - 26/08/2010 20:06 - Canada
By Tj Hunt - 05/11/2012 03:26 - United States
By Chewy - 05/01/2010 10:45 - United Kingdom
By gutted - 07/05/2012 02:13 - United Kingdom
By rejected - 28/07/2014 22:09 - United States - Milpitas
By hoplessG - 24/12/2009 23:37 - United States
Happy now?
By minime94 - 15/11/2012 06:35 - United States - Sunset
Top comments
That sucks man :/ FYL Try again in a month, take her out to a fancy dinner etc.
...must have been an awkward parachute ride down
How can jumping out of a plane be "awkward"? I'd be screaming too much for any odd feelings like that
Uh, if you're with your gf long enough to be proposing to her but you don't know her well enough to know she wouldn't like this sort of thing, you may want to rethink this whole marriage thing. YDI.
What does sucking men have to do with anything?
#54 & #58... what? That's a pretty stupid reason for saying they shouldn't marry. I don't know if my girlfriend is a... McDonalds or a Burger King girl, but that isn't a legit reason to not marry her. Not everyone discusses what type of proposal they'd like. And just because she wants a traditional proposal, this doesn't mean it's such a huge part of her that he should have known, like all her views are old fashioned or something.
Maybe he flashed the ring and a big ass smile. When they landed (which happens EVERYTIME someone goes skydiving) she said "i want a more tradtional marriage".
#54 Agree. And what kind of idiot would come up with such an idea? THIS IS A BIG F-CKING YDI!!
Being a skydiver in training, I can tell you with pretty exact certainty that unless they are both licensed skydivers, or one of them is a tandem instructor, there would be absolutely no way to communicate midair. Even two experienced divers would have to yell from under their canopies. No way to communicate during freefall though. If he was a tandem instructor, he could tell her under canopy... But I have not met many tandem instructors who have traditional girlfriends. And I met quite a few girlfriends at the USPA skydiving nationals that ran at my home DZ (drop zone, for all of you who've never been) this time last month. It's quite rare in the sport. I call this out to be FAKE! Though, it would suck if it were to happen. I wouldn't say no.
Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.
Yea yea, and if she was the one posting a fml you and tons more would be telling her how much he doesnt deserver her We know the drill already, stop it.
proposed in mid air??? that's like the most awesome proposal
until you drop the ring
If he was really creative, the ring would have had its own little parachute.
Nah, I had a guy buy a ring from me who was planning on doing the same thing except he was going to make a sign to hold up since you obviously can't put a ring on it midair. However, this FML obviously isn't him because I know she said yes.
I guess she just wants to be like everybody else *roll my eyes* #21, well said.
She didn't say that she wasn't grateful for the skydiving proposal. But she said she wanted a more traditional one before she would accept it. I'm sorry, I agree with her, or at least respect her right to. It's not her job to just go along with whatever hackneyed ideas her boyfriend/fiance/husband has, just as it is not his job to cater to her every whim. But in this case, I think that they should know each other well enough that this situation should have never happened.
While i agree with your point that it's not a "no" and he can give her a traditional proposal: it's a question, not some elaborate ritual. If she wants to marry him it shouldn't matter how he asked, only *that* he asked.
it sucks, but at least she didn't completely refuse to ever marry you.
Warning signs everywhere! I foresee you being a henpecked husband; she wants things her way and only her way. Life won't get any better when you get married. Dump her now before its too late. And thank her for giving you a preview of the hell you'd be living.
TOTALLY AGREE!!!! My wife accepted my proposal three years ago, but will not let me forget that I didn't do it on one knee! I was wearing a nice suit that she bought me and the ground was muddy!
Her loss! A skydiving proposal would be my dream proposal. She's not worth your time if she doesn't appreciate all the effort you went through to do something unique.
It's impossible. You can not talk to each other in mid air... On the plane, yes, on the ground, yes, with a sign, maybe, but you can't hear each other in free fall. Though, I'd love it, though... maybe not being handed a ring during freefall... it could be done... but the risk of dropping it is too great... Maybe a fake ring in the air... like doing a fun jump, and mouthing the words, "Will you marry me?" and pulling the ring out of a pocket, and docking on to put on the ring. I've seen a video of some free flyers who kissed during freefall. Like spider man kiss. He was upside down.
I agree with masquerade (not the exact name I know). To me sky diving doesn't spell romantic and I'm pretty sure I would be concentrating of falling, rather than anything else! Can you imagine? I would be annoyed at my fiancé, bringing up marriage at a time like that.
OK, I totally 100% agree with the dream proposal thing. Boyfriend and I have been twice before and totally plan to get our solo licenses together. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world. I can't imagine a "will you marry me?" before or after (cuz, yeah, you can't hear much before the parachute opens) would do anything except make the whole thing even more fantastic. And it is really damn hard to make skydiving better!
you are clearly not meant for each other!
Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.
Judges? (checks the judges' table) We have a winner.

Next time, bring some cows and offer them to her father in return for his daughter. Traditional.
Sucks, to go through all that preparation and to be rejected. She doesnt deserve to be with you if she can't understand all the work you went through for that proposal.