Cool dude

By Blah - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to go to my son's school for career day, I explained what a banker does, then asked if anyone had a question. One boy raised his hand and asked, "When are all the cool parents gonna come?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 404
You deserved it 6 487

Top comments

To #3-you've obviously never been in an elementary classroom. Kids are more brutal than Simon Cowell.

Tell that kid "Sorry, there are no parents with cool jobs coming. We fired them all because all your money are belong to us!"


#3 obviously you havent met any kids! thats TOTALLY a question a kid would ask! kids are a-holes

Well, I mean, there aren't exactly alot of kids saying "I wanna be a banker when I grow up, **** yeah!..."

it depends on how old the kids were. If they were in elementary school you probably should have seen this coming. If this was in High School or above then the kid was being a dick and you should charge him interest for living or something.

dg72592_fml 0

lol no one likes bankers nowadays

starshine3987 0
Xaos 0
AlexJakubsen1 0

the kid was just trying to get a laugh. you are probably making more money than his cooler than though artsy fartsy creative little hipster asshole probably ever will.

Did your bank take any money from the bailout?