Cool family vibes

By Anonymous - 15/09/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband and son had their first DIY project. Less than 30 minutes later, our son’s crying in his room. Turns out my husband is just like his dad. “WHY ARE YOU STANDING DOING NOTHING? PASS ME THE THING. NOT THAT THING, THE OTHER THING. HERE, I’LL DO IT MYSELF. PAY ATTENTION, GOD DAMMIT.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next thing you hear is hubby bitching that his son doesn't want to join in with any projects again... Or talk to your son, explain that Dad has a problem he doesn't understand and ask him to do it just once more, so you can record your husband's arseholery and play it back to him. It's difficult to dismiss your own cuntishness when it's right there in full volume technicolour in front of you. Depends on how old and mature your lad is but showing hubby the cold brutal mirror of his father screaming at him out of his own mouth could be a decent reality check.

Your husband needs therapy. Your son definitely will if he keeps this up.


Your husband needs therapy. Your son definitely will if he keeps this up.

Next thing you hear is hubby bitching that his son doesn't want to join in with any projects again... Or talk to your son, explain that Dad has a problem he doesn't understand and ask him to do it just once more, so you can record your husband's arseholery and play it back to him. It's difficult to dismiss your own cuntishness when it's right there in full volume technicolour in front of you. Depends on how old and mature your lad is but showing hubby the cold brutal mirror of his father screaming at him out of his own mouth could be a decent reality check.