Cool your jets

By tiredoffamilydinners - 12/01/2012 05:00 - United States

Today, my mom and siblings got into a fight. Being generally quiet and non-confrontational, I stayed out of it. Shortly thereafter, I was yelled at by my mother for being "ungrateful" and "disrespectful." I still don't know what I did wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 636
You deserved it 2 551

Same thing different taste


That happens to me, too. My mom gets mad at work, and takes it out on me. Sometimes she even sounds like a whiny 13 year old.

KrypticKalEl 0
Mkbitch 2

You deserve an apology. Your mom's an asshole.

You should have just ran in there and bottled everyone... just kidding, i know that experience well, it's happened to me before.

hateevryone 14

She mad cause you didn't jump in it & take up for her. Smh

KiddNYC1O 20

It's apparent you're favored the least. I'm sorry.

Sometimes you just can't win in such situations. Some people will get mad no matter how you handle it.

yeah i know how you feel my mom yells at me when i do heroin.

soccergirl818 0

I'm sorry my moms the same way it gets better :)