Cost effective
By EmbarrassedDaughter - 23/05/2010 07:27 - Canada

By EmbarrassedDaughter - 23/05/2010 07:27 - Canada
By eatmyshipoopie - 18/12/2009 15:20 - United Kingdom
By nooneatall - 15/01/2010 03:16 - France
By Anonymous - 27/06/2011 23:45 - United Kingdom
By showerstupid - 04/04/2009 08:04 - United States
By no one - 19/06/2011 18:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/11/2014 18:56 - United States - Dekalb
By katharine - 15/03/2010 20:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/01/2012 15:50 - United States
By cumhole - 10/10/2012 02:32 - Canada - Toronto
By stickyface - 24/10/2010 05:18 - Canada
lol thy sucks
lol ydi for being unbalanced
WTF, creeper loser. and true
#2 keeps changing... wtf
Were you and your boyfriend nude, when you fell off?? If not, I truly fail to see the FML!!! And yet again, I honestly want a "Suck it up pussy" button!!!
Ohhhhhhhh Canada... Well at least you have an expensive bed! That means there won't be any sqeaking right?
Nowadays every body gets sex except me. FML.
34 I know how you feel...
you should be happy your father didn't kill your boyfriend OP
btw 22 I would sign a petition for the suck it up pussy button
36 how pity u r not a girl. U would be good one. :(
34 and me!
he obviously just bought the bed, and thought you were jumping on it. Turns out you were jumping on the bed, just with something in between you and the bed.
Whoever pointed out that she was in Canada = smart. Canadians are way different than normal people. OP would've probably rathered that her dad raged on her bf instead of taking the obviously calm, surprised route. Why? I don't know. I'm not Canadian...
So? The majority of people on earth have sex, including your father. Unless you were adopted.
Uhmm yeah I have to agree this isn'e an FML.. Now it would be an FML if your dad asked to join.. Haha SICK.
lol fail
Yeah, be careful with your bed, too much sex broke mine D:
******* ****
How bowt yu tawk lyk a norml persun dum ass
how do u lose balance? im glad ur not my girlfriend because i sleep with the best and u sound like a sex noob lol YDI
I bet she's glad that she isn't your girlfriend too..!
Nice job trying to sound like a badass sex machine to a group of strangers there stud.
clearly but they should all take lessons :D
I bet she's glad that she isn't your girlfriend too..!
I am so convinced all of these FML's are written by high school bitches.