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By nooneatall - 15/01/2010 03:16 - France

Today, I was doing a shit load of sit-ups on my mattress. After realizing the bed was squeaking, I heard my dad laughing very hard from the basement. He thought I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 962
You deserved it 20 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats soo freaken funny *wipes a tear* but try doing your situps on the floor using the mattress for that springy bounce back is totally cheating your muscles arent working at all.


asianpo 0

what a piece of shit excuse for masturbating you dirty twat

thars what ur dad might do he probly is the one who made that bed squeaky in the first place lol win

daflyinhawaiian 0

who does sit ups on a mattress?? don't be a pussy

sit ups ob matresses definitely don't give you abs. sorry to break it to you op.

^I love volleyball players giving tips on how to be masculine

Fenikkusu 0

Says the anorexic. Give tips when you have muscles that you needed to work for.

Fenikkusu 0

Says the anorexic. Give tips when you have muscles that you needed to work for.

I eat more than anyone I know and work out daily, yet I'm 145 pounds and 6 foot 1 with virtually no visible muscle. I have an extremely high metablism, which prevents me from building muscle, but also keeps me at a low weight. Also, being slightly tall and being lightweight, the muscle I do have is stretched, making it less defined. Just because you're skinny doesn't mean you're anorexic, dumbass

yes me too but you should tell him of your sit ups. and show him your body when it worked out.

thats soo freaken funny *wipes a tear* but try doing your situps on the floor using the mattress for that springy bounce back is totally cheating your muscles arent working at all.

dont bother doin sit ups on a bed. leg raises would be a better alternative

Don't do strenuous exercise on ur mattress, dipshit

well atleast he THOUGHT u were instead of finding out you actually were masterbating.

paramorefan125 0
im2good25 0