
By AkaiKitsune - 29/06/2017 04:00

Today, I went to explore a beach that was rumoured to have big crabs on it instead of the usual small tide pool crabs. I found out that the rumours were true went I went to flip over a rock, which was in fact not a rock. I now have to explain to a doctor how I ended up needing stitches again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 955
You deserved it 1 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doctors aren't judgmental -- what's going to be difficult is discussing with future dates why you needed treatment for crabs.

Smart crab. It disguised itself as a rock, and obviously preys on the fingers of foolish humans.


Damn, OP. Were the first set of stitches caused the your cat jumping from your head?

Wow, you're on a roll. You must have at least 5 recently approved posts I've seen. Good job

Gwengreen 6

I feel bad for the poor crab you launched off of thinking it was a rock! You might need stitches but poor little guy might be dead! But then again crab legs sound delicious......

It wasn't a rock, it was a rock...crab. Wait, that's not how the song goes!

This is at least the third animal post you made, AkaiKitsune. You really should steer clear of wildlife of all kinds.

Lobby_Bee 17

Are you feeling crabby right now?

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Did he try to sell you a Krabby Patty?

This website is quickly turning from FML into "FuckAkaiKitsune'sLife"

No kidding. Five FML's in two weeks.