
By Anonymous - 22/02/2021 01:08 - United States - Irving

Today, the power went out so my family all stayed together in a one room to keep warm. I was on the bed against the wall and reached my hand down, only to find my panties tucked in the side of my brother's bed. Not one pair, but two. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 317
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is actually more likely being a tween exploring sexuality and masturbating because they're "women's clothing", ignoring the sister part. It's fairly common, OP, you should bring it up with your brother and ask him to not take them. If he doesn't comply, then bring it up with your parents. You could also just let the parent you think would understand more know so they could talk to your brother and let him know its wrong. The only bad thing about this would be is if OP was a young/teen and the brother is an adult. Then that's when you need to come clean and let your parents know right away. Sorry meant to add, not disregarding the possibility of your suggestion but... teens are usually horny af and are exploring.

You may want to handle this quietly, if it hasn't already become a big deal. While it's possible that he took your unmentionables for unmentionable reasons, it's also possible that your brother is exploring a genderqueer identity (such as trans or genderfluid), but is not comfortable buying women's clothing. You could talk with him in private, and if the latter is the case, you could offer to help get him clothing, without outing him to your parents. (Being out to the parents has to be his call: If they don't accept him, outing him could literally kill him.)


Of course, he has two nostrils, doesn't he?

You may want to handle this quietly, if it hasn't already become a big deal. While it's possible that he took your unmentionables for unmentionable reasons, it's also possible that your brother is exploring a genderqueer identity (such as trans or genderfluid), but is not comfortable buying women's clothing. You could talk with him in private, and if the latter is the case, you could offer to help get him clothing, without outing him to your parents. (Being out to the parents has to be his call: If they don't accept him, outing him could literally kill him.)

This is actually more likely being a tween exploring sexuality and masturbating because they're "women's clothing", ignoring the sister part. It's fairly common, OP, you should bring it up with your brother and ask him to not take them. If he doesn't comply, then bring it up with your parents. You could also just let the parent you think would understand more know so they could talk to your brother and let him know its wrong. The only bad thing about this would be is if OP was a young/teen and the brother is an adult. Then that's when you need to come clean and let your parents know right away. Sorry meant to add, not disregarding the possibility of your suggestion but... teens are usually horny af and are exploring.

HistoryHasEyes 19

Enter reason is a disgusting example of sexual perversion. I would tell you parents so that they can get him the mental health help he clearly needs.

samomaha 17

HistoryHas Eyes but in this case is blind and uncaring. Being genderfluid or trans is in no means a call for mental health "help" and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying they require psychiatric care. Even mastubation using girls underwear is not a mental illness needing "help". As chyiochan correctly observed, most males do this as teenagers and they completly ignore the sibling relationship. To them, they are just panties, not sister's panties. Such exclusionary and punitive views as apparently espoused in your post clamoring for forced mental "health care" are not part of psychiatry and have no place in today's world.