By anon - 20/11/2015 00:53 - New Zealand

Today, I found my expensive lingerie I thought I had lost. In my 15-year-old brother's room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 645
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

It's always super creepy when people here post about their brothers taking their intimate items for their personal use... Like dude you're supposed to protect your sister, have you no shame?

You might wanna check what else is also in there!


You may want to have a long talk with him..

Maybe it was a laundry mishap?!? One can always hope.

Yes. Hope that he was just to uncomfortable to give it back because you're his sister.

I use to also get my mom and sisters underwear in my laundry and would wait till they weren't home to put them back haha

Just make his wash it for you. After all, he's going to need to learn to wash lingerie if it's going to become a habit to wear it..

noonenoeone 22

How'd you come to the conclusion that he was wearing the lingerie? My initial reaction was along different lines...

I mean, that's not a far gone conclusion. if he'd taken just the panties of the set or something, it'd be easy to say yeah, he's jerkin it with his sisters panties. But a full set? That sounds a lot like cross dressing.

lexiieeex3 32

It's always super creepy when people here post about their brothers taking their intimate items for their personal use... Like dude you're supposed to protect your sister, have you no shame?

Well maybe he is trying to 'protect' her from having sex since that might be an uncomfortable thought for him. At least I hope so, the ideas of what else he would be doing with it grosses me out.

Why is it always the guy that's supposed to protect and do everything to make it amazing for women only to get looked at negatively whenever a single guy does something bad. I mean picture a criminal in your head. Was that a guy or a girl?

Who cares whether it's sisters or brothers, you should be protective of your siblings regardless. And no one said anything about men in general. Just op's brother/ other creepy brothers.

JohnForge 13

It shouldn't matter if he isn't straight or wearing it, the FML is him stealing the lingerie and possibly using it for perverse reasons.

nameisname 12

You probably have not seen cousins married in Kentucky

Maybe she looked really bad in it and he was protecting her by taking it from her...

You might wanna check what else is also in there!

I understand that it must creep you out. I would be uncomfortable with my younger sister boring my underwear! But there might be something other behind it that disgusting incestuous feelings. I once read about a boy who would steal his sisters clothes, because he was secretly transgender, but nobody knew and he had no idea how to express it to his family. If it's something like that in your situation, I just hope that you'll be there for your brother! If not, he might just be a massive creeper.

If its JUST lingerie, its most likely just his hormones acting up (with a slight addition of disgusting incent fetish)

Just because he's using her lingerie for whatever reason doesn't mean he has an incest kink. He could just like the feel or look of the lingerie, not the fact that it's his sister's. A lot of straight and gay men wear lingerie/like it on their partner, so it's not that strange.

Just take it back. Don't rub his face in it :/

eww why would op want the lingerie back ?who know what her brother was doing with it.

Because good lingerie can run up to several hundred dollars? It isn't like semen can't be washed out, if that was even what he was doing with it. More a matter of if OP can brain bleach the memories, I suppose. They could also sell it to put toward the price of a new set.

#83 "Slightly cum stained lingerie. Condition: Like new."

StupidUsername89 23

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A07 48

Because that 8bit picture of a crying bum that just stabbed itself is beautiful.

That's not what it is at all. I think it's from FNAF...