Danger zone

By Agony! Agony! Agony! - 03/07/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's needy five year-old tried to swing on my arm while I was cutting celery. I needed seven stitches. Later, my girlfriend complained that I should have cleaned up the blood because she's squeamish, and that I upset her son by yelling and cussing in pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 597
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah... Time for a better girlfriend, mate.

Time to break up. To her, her child can never do wrong. Don't put up with a lifetime of handwaving away his behaviour and accountability.


Yeah... Time for a better girlfriend, mate.

I have a girlfriend and young kids. Both my kids know better than to do that shit. And my son is autistic and mentally a toddler. My girlfriend and my kids have equal consideration to me. Clearly this is not the situation here.

Time to break up. To her, her child can never do wrong. Don't put up with a lifetime of handwaving away his behaviour and accountability.

Parents like that disgust me. That kid is going to be a mama's boy and he could commit murder and she'd say it was the victim's fault. Leave now.