I'm listening

By Anonymous - 04/07/2024 08:00

Today, and for the last week of job training, I’ve listened to my new boss go on about how we care about our customers and want to engage with our community, even though at the end of every workday I watch him empty the complaints boxes straight into recycling, without reading a single one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 409
You deserved it 74

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try to be the one who empties the recycling. This way, you can scotch tape all the complaints and decorate your boss's office with it, compile them into a newsletter for the whole office, turn them into a comedy show named "Because we care", steal the best ideas for your next meeting, etc.


Try to be the one who empties the recycling. This way, you can scotch tape all the complaints and decorate your boss's office with it, compile them into a newsletter for the whole office, turn them into a comedy show named "Because we care", steal the best ideas for your next meeting, etc.