By fatnick - 07/10/2009 17:06 - United States

Today, my wife told me that the only reason she gets it on with me is for the extra calorie burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 084
You deserved it 3 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Score? Least this way she's not gunna just lay there, so'll actually get into it some more. Everybody wins.


Score? Least this way she's not gunna just lay there, so'll actually get into it some more. Everybody wins.

But you get some right? And see puts in work to get the extra calories off? what's the fml here...

greenbeny48 0

wow....... that's just sad, but bases on your username, i can see why

Next time you have sex, do her from behind, and out of nowhere pull out, put her in a full Nelson, and jam your **** in her ass and see how much she struggles. That ought to burn some calories for both of you.

FAKEstfu 0

Wait....fyl for being a good lay? Ydi for being stupid.

xx3ginaxx3 0

it's a win-win situation, don't complain. hah 8th (:

Now we know where guys who shove doughnuts down the woman's throat come from. ^ ^

DuxHuntin 0

Who cares offer her more calorie burning if you don't wear her out someone else will