By Hunter101 - 12/05/2012 04:24 - United States - Humble

Today, I took a picture in front of my bathroom mirror and posted it on Facebook. When I checked it later, it had 20 comments on the picture. I was feeling good until I read the comments and looked at the picture again. I'd left my vibrator on the the bathroom counter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 551
You deserved it 64 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you were feeling good vibes for another reason.


That's what u get for trying to take a stupid sexy mirror pic. Who thought that was cool in the first plac? That has never been on the cosmo cover haha

All the people that liked this were women who did the same thing hahaha jk

I never understood why people do bathroom pictures... no one wants to see what your bathroom looks like or what you have in it.

grace12898 0

I just realized how many of the ridiculous ones are Texas and I'm ashamed

I hope u know your all over reddit and ifunny sorry to inform you of this

DollyDope 17

Seems like not only were your friends & family impressed by your battery operated boyfriend (Bob), but half the Internet capable population.

I feel I will never truly understand this retarded obsession of duck faces and bathroom pics.

Lol, it's probably already posted on epicfail xD.