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By Sarah - 25/08/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother was cleaning out my underwear drawer and found my vibrator. Everytime I see her in the hall, she just cracks up and makes jokes about how I can't get a guy, so I have to rely on electronics. What's worse, she told my dad AND posted a status on facebook about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 666
You deserved it 10 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?


FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

curryndricegirll 0

what's immature is that this girl can't clean out her own underwear drawer. if ur old enough to have a vibrator, ur old enough to clean out ur own underwear drawer

generalsmith2 0

maybe her mom is just that type of person.

Maybe her mom should mind her own business... Stand up for yourself.

Mmm.... "stand up for yourself" reminds me of that episode of That 70's Show where Eric TRIED to stand up for himself ("Mom I don't want a birthday party") but she wouldn't listen. OP's mom could be like that as well.

ISellHerbs 0

Because her mom obviously has all the same friends as her daughter...(sarcasm? No one that knew you probably saw it on facebook Get over it but still FYL.

wow your mom's a bitch. FYL. i mean ok if she was joking about it when it's just the two of you around, but going around and telling people about it... wow. and plus it doesn't mean you can't get laid if you have a vibrator, that's like saying that all men who ********** do it only because they can't get a woman which is not true. PLUS your mom has a facebook? wtf? there's nothing more pathetic then people over 40 on facebook and other social networks... i mean it's just weird. i think facebook should put an age limit e.g. people over 40 can't make an account because it just makes it less cool and young people (90% of frequent users) will stop using facebook when all the old people start using it. anyway, even if your mom has facebook (which as a FYL by itself) why on earth would you add her as a friend/accept her friend request

Some parents make their kids accept their friend requests. Mostly the ones who watch too much Fox News and think that everyone online is a pervert, and pedophiles can find kids through Nintendo DS's.

spinarium 2

what a very selfish prick. what do you know about those people to have them stop using facebook and other social networking sites? maybe they use it as a way to find their old friends from ages ago. whatever the case, your idea is stupid. with all due respect. @OP: FYL. clean your own drawers if you have something to hide, for god's sake

@120: Wow. Age limits on a social networking site? So nobody who went to High School can connect and meet and catch up? Even though that's the whole point of a social networking site? You're a dumbass. OP: Your mom is WAY immature. I cannot believe for one second that she never masturbated before in her life because a guy wasn't around. And I also cannot believe that if she's going to criticize her daughter for THAT, she has very many friends. Definitely an immature prat. Revenge.

Jaque_Aze 0

1- get your own place. 2- punch her in the mouth since she obviously hates you.

@141 - onigiriqueen...age limits on Facebook isn't that crazy of an idea. When the site first started out, it was a college only site and you had to have a valid .edu email address to sign up...back in the good ol' days before high schoolers and old people were allowed :)

mikcand 0

ok u cant clean ur own drawer but u got a vibrater and tell ur mom shes a BITCH

taylor1521 0

i agree old people using facebook is weird social networking is nto for old people

What mom would clean out her daughters underwear drawer in the first place????

120 what the **** why shouldn't people over 40 be able to have a facebook? let me know please!

Really OP? I started cleaning out my own underwear drawer when I was like 10. Does your mom pick out tighty whity underwear for you too? FYL that your mom decided to be a bitch about it, but YDI it because you don't even keep your own stuff organized.

People like you are the reason that social networks should be limited to people above 40.

djb23 0

haha that's really funny actually

LOL nice one yeah FYourdadsLife for not being able to please his wife ;)

Uhh, the OP never mentioned that her dad couldnt please her mum. So yeah. You fail much?

Why the hell is your mom still cleaning out your underwear drawer? FYL

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?

I agree. YDI for not being able to clean your own room. And if you're old enough for a vibrator, you're old enough to get out of mom and dad's house!

Idiot. A lot of people under 18 have vibrators... just because she has one, doesn't mean she's old enough to move out.

curryndricegirll 0

yeah, but she should be old enough to clean out her own underwear drawer

k r u saying that u do ur own lundary? no teen does that, k

I was thirteen when I started doing my own laundry. Maybe you don't but then again maybe you're just too damn lazy and don't care that your parents do everything for you.

Escapist28 0

I'm not sure you'd know much about teens, considering your mental development seems to put you roughly around the age of six. I've been doing my own laundry since I was fourteen, and my parents never went through my stuff. It's possible. OP: Underwear and sock drawers are the obvious places to keep a vibrator. Try something more creative when you have things you don't want your parents to see.

lol yeah im pretty lazy for not doing somthin that my parents offer to do

Yes, you are lazy. Seems that you don't know much about reality either. I know more teens that are told to do their own laundry than I know teens that get their parents to do it for them. Just because it's true for you, doesn't mean it's true for everyone @OP: like it has been said before, sock/underwear drawer =/= good place to hide things.

does it look i care wut others do n dont do? idc if im offered somthing, i take it end of story

mo_the_owl 0

wow, i hope you realize how ******* stupid that last response made you look. hmmm... ...what are you? 16 year old boy or spoiled girl?

I don't think the mother was cleaning out the drawer to do laundry. Who the hell keeps their dirty underwear in the drawer? That's what a laundry basket it for, isn't it?!

for christ's sake, 22jrdn55, please quit spamming up the page with your deep-seated insecurities. if your parents do your laundry for you, that's great, but the fact remains that if OP doesn't want her mother rooting through her clothes and finding her private things, she should take care of those chores herself. and for ****'s sake spell your words out. it will make you look several times more mature and intelligent. unless you're one of those kids who subsists primarily on paint chips, in which case you might want to consider including a disclaimer explaining your delibilitating brain damage to those reading your posts.

diet_otaku what the **** are you saying you douchebag, if i were insecure, i wouldnt show people my profile (YOU'RE A ******* INSECURE GAY-ASS). and im sorry if you're such a retard you can understand simple stuff, stop being a *****!!!

Sorry, I was under the impression that (legally) you have to be 18 to buy sex toys. In fact, I'm pretty certain of that fact. However, I realize there are lots of people willing to sell to minors, and plenty more minors looking for sex toys. If the OP is one of these people, she should have a) hidden it better, or b) cleaned her own room. I really don't care either way, I'm just really tired of the "new" FML postings where it's the person's own dumb fault. I miss old FML, where you didn't sit and wonder if the thing actually happened, or if someone was just bored and making it up (a seemingly good fit here).

ashleeee 0

lol that was a stupid statement. i am a teen and i deff do my own laundry. maybe you dont but dont assume everyone is like YOU.

Jess_Love 0

i agree with 110... cleaning out a drawer has nothing to do with laundry... so why ya'll think it does? i mean i keep clean clothes in there... ... dirty clothes in hamper... ... not that dirty clothes on the floor... ... :D sucks that your mum was so nosy. >.

You're kidding right i was like 11 when i started doing my own laundry and have ever since then.

Laws are different in different places. It's also usually certified sex shops that can't sell to underage people. Places like spencers gifts can, i got a vibrator at 14 from there.

swjeemtys 0

Well atleast your mom is making fun out of it.. if my mom found a vibrator in my stuff she'd be discusted and then tell my family i was some kind of freak. lol luckily my mom is not tech savy. fyl OP.

To tell the truth, I'd probably act the same way.

Wow, your mom is really immature. There's nothing "desperate" or "lonely" about masturbating, guy or girl. Do what #6 said and then see how "funny" your mom is.

Unless you're crying while doing so.

sublime93 0

Lmfao #15 that image was hilarious

Look on the bright side, at least you're not a guy and your mother found your vibrator.

sexymessy 0

Lol yeah it could have been worse!

woow your rents are more like kids. and having a vibrator does not mean you cannot get a dude.

No, but it's usually an alternative. And, if that's you in you profile picture, I hope you have one.