
By Anonymous - 03/07/2009 23:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me explaining that he is getting married this weekend to a woman he met on Craigslist. Why? Because I won't marry him, and he'll make an extra thousand dollars per month having a wife since he is in the army. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 646
You deserved it 12 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Greedy little asshat, you are probably better off without him since he obviously values money over a relationship, honor, self-respect... etc. Look on the bright side. He'll probably catch a whole host of sexually transmitted diseases if he sleeps with her and considering she is off craigslist, he's taking a huge risk.


james71993 21

Your fault for not wanting to marry him

Hmm. You won't marry him, but you're objected to someone else marrying him? Weird to me, although that is a bit bullshit on his part too.

leave him to his loveless marroage. craigslist...yeah that will end well

its the mystical and fabled dependapotomus

Kinda hoping OP comments and explains the reason for not marrying him. Should be interesting.

This is old, and I don't usually comment on old FMLs, but the amount of YDIs for the OP not marrying him absolutely disgusts me. She has no obligation to marry him, marriage doesn't always have to be the goal in a relationship, and the relationship can still be perfectly fine without it, even better sometimes. She probably just did not want to get married at the moment because she wasn't ready, be it emotionally, financially, or whatever, doesn't matter the reason, she shouldn't be expected or forced into something she did not want to do. Just because a person doesn't agree to get married at the moment, doesn't mean they should expect, or deserve, their SO running away. If they make their SO wait for years and lead them on, maybe, but I highly doubt this is that kind of situation. If you run away and ditch your SO because they won't agree to going through with a LIFE CHANGING event, you're immature and too selfish to be in a relationship because you fail to see it from the other person's perspective. When you get married, you marry because you WANT to be married, not so your SO can get a extra money, I would feel right insulted if my boyfriend ask for my hand in marriage for that reason. It's selfish, he's doing it out of financial gain for himself, not out of his love for me and our relationship.