Testing the waters
By Anonymousss95 - 10/12/2011 12:03 - Sweden

By Anonymousss95 - 10/12/2011 12:03 - Sweden
By EliseV - 03/11/2014 18:56 - United States - Chino Hills
By Anonymous - 07/06/2015 04:21 - New Zealand - Tauranga
By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56
By sexisntfun - 30/03/2015 02:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham
By Anonymous - 02/05/2015 02:22 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 15/09/2011 20:03 - United States
By Laura - 17/09/2010 00:35 - United States
By dancerr2210 - 09/06/2010 04:01 - United States
By the other woman - 26/06/2018 01:30
Kick him in the balls and make it so hard he will never have sex again
It's crazy bitches like you that make it hard to find ACTUAL good partners ;)
If he's having sex with another female without stopping himself beforehand. No he doesn't. Im sorry for your loss OP :( 45: the first time doesn't have to be bad. The man I was with the first time was very kind about it. I dont regret it
That bastard!
Well did you know he had a girlfriend beforehand? I wouldn't give it up like that unless i just didn't care.
I really think OP is a stage 5 clinger...
"You can't truly love someone and sleep with someone else." Some people can. Open relationships, polyamory, that sort of things. But I have the feeling that that guy has a monogamous relationship, which means that he screwed his girlfriend and OP.
198 Don't worry, some of us aren't teenagers and realise that relationships and emotions don't come in one size fits all. I wouldn't pay any attention to the voting on your comment, its indicative of a lack of maturity and life experience of users on this site.
That's stinks
Your punctuation skills stink. ._.
Grammar nazis!
62- did it turn out it wasnt your uncle at all?
Lol I know. I true to edit the darn thing but my freaking autocorrect on the iPhone screwed me over haha
To me it sounds like you weren't together very long, if the whole thing was just an "experiment" and if that's the case, she deserves it D: girls give it up too easy these days.... to everyone except me.
I agree. You shouldn't give it up so easily. You should know you love each other before letting him take your V card. Abstinence FTW!
Did you mention to him you lied about being a virgin, and actually were only that tight because know one would touch you because of the whole aids thing?
There's a double standard right there. Girls give it up too easily? And guys are taking full advantage of it. Girls get judged and guys get congratulated. Unless they're having sex with another guy, they were involved in it. OP- Sorry to hear that. It is a big deal to lose your virginity and if he didn't realize what a big thing it is, he doesn't deserve you. I choose to believe that you didn't know he had a girlfriend.
189, That makes no sense. Is there anyone who wouldn't judge a guy who had sex for the first time and ended up regretting it? That's kind of the issue here, not the fact that they actually slept with someone. Surely by comment 189 you noticed an abundance of "what an asshole" comments, yes?
Well, hope it wasn't too bad, at least. If there's a discreet way of letting the girlfriend know, maybe you'll get some from her while she sees if she still loves him.
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Show it anywayBoth of your comments are overfilled with stupidity.
The ratio of annoying horny posters to posters with self control amazes me..
You're a ******* idiot.
67 and you fell for it perfectly :P.
I like potatoes
Women and their emotions lol
@64 - you don't have to have sex with someone you care about for your first time. Casual sex is perfectly fine for first time if that's how you want it. I'm gonna say the differing expectations are what could **** one up big time. That's one heck of an emotional betrayal.
64 - if it was so emotional for her, she should have invested enough time to have an idea of her partner's motives.
Well, he's a real charmer
Well does he really love her now?
Damn.. sorry OP :( that really sucks. He's a dick