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Dodged a bullet

By mama - 30/06/2019 07:09

Today, I went to the doctor's office after getting a positive pregnancy test. She did another one to confirm the result, which came back negative. My husband is wandering around with a great big smile on his face, because he isn't going to "have a rugrat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 032
You deserved it 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you and your husband need to have a serious talk about the future of your relationship. It doesn't sound as if you are sharing dreams.

Talk to your husband. Get on the same page. My wife and I both want children, but we want to wait a few years before having one. Perhaps he feels similarly.


Maybe you and your husband need to have a serious talk about the future of your relationship. It doesn't sound as if you are sharing dreams.

Talk to your husband. Get on the same page. My wife and I both want children, but we want to wait a few years before having one. Perhaps he feels similarly.

I've been told you can't get a false positive on a pregnancy test, just false negatives. Maybe take a 3rd test?

jgs1990 3

it's called a chemical pregnancy. positive test but HCG isn't high enough on blood to consider pregnant. also evaporation lines.

Where's the fml? A couple not seeking pregnancy has a scare but it turned out to be a false alarm. Seems like a win? Unless they were trying to get pregnant and dude suddenly changed his mind? I could see being miffed then, but still, better he realizes he wants to be childfree during this scare than after you have a baby. Still should see it as a bullet dodged rather than an FML.

I can understand not wanting an Angelica, but Tommy and the others were ******* adorable. If your husband doesn't want one when you do, are you really sure you're right for one another?

How are you married but haven't discussed kids yet?

Next time the asshole wants to have sex, tell him "Apparently you don't want to have any "Rugrats", well no sex is the only 100% way to prevent that from happening." Keep him horny for a couple of weeks, He brings up sex, hand him a travel size bottle of lotion. Then When you have his undivided attention, sit him down for a heart to heart about how that hurt your feelings, and if you two are on the same page re having kids. If you aren't, or he doesn't give a shit about your feelings, move on now before it's too late and before you know it it's 20 years later and you are equal parts Sad, Angry, alone and Miserable.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

This seems very childish and petty. Why not just talk to them in the first place and not play these childish and immature games.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Maybe have a talk with your husband about this as he doesn't seem on board with the whole parent thing if that is what you want

If you want kids, YDI to the both of you for not talking about it before getting married.