Don't let me be misunderstood

By sadfacemaking - 20/07/2021 08:01

Today, my boyfriend bought me a ring for my birthday. My dad now refuses to talk to me, because he thinks I'm engaged. My boyfriend thinks it's funny, because he'd never marry me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 207
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drop them both. Your dads ******* weird and your bf is ******* shit.

Ambrily 27

Wow, you're lucky with men.


Ambrily 27

Wow, you're lucky with men.

Drop them both. Your dads ******* weird and your bf is ******* shit.

fatherof4 4

I mean your fairing him so it’s your choice.

Wow I'm impressed by your man's honesty. I've never had a gf where I would have straight up told them I would never marry them. Especially when we were still dating.