Don't mind me

By evelynn - 20/05/2010 06:25 - France

Today, the guy I'm seeing and I were having sex. While I was having my orgasm, he looked at me and said "SHHHH!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 156
You deserved it 8 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're getting laid, and had an ******... and this bad because...?


Obviously, this guy is a Scientologist.

what is this faggotry? girls don't have orgasms! troll alert


I don't get it, thot being loud turns guys on more rather than not saying a word?? LOL..

1LL337 0

YDI for being too loud...wouldn't wanna wake his parents or neighbors up!

sounds to me like you need to dump that idiot

trentthrowdown 0

just tickle him if he says that haha

ferbreeezy 3
sw33th3art 3

wow i would of got upp and left.

purple_madnessxD 0

If ur aware that u sound weird when having an ******, YDI. If ur not aware, then FYL. IF it's not that, then this is not an FML cuz it's not that bad if he was afraid that someone could've heard (unless they were in the house). And many women would envy u for being able to ****** during sex, so that would also make it not an FML

Sarila 0

Unless there is a good reason why you should be quiet (someone in the next room, for example), or are making fake noises because you think that makes you a better lover, then you should follow these steps. 1. Finish your ******. Make whatever noise you normally, naturally make, as loud as feels right for you. 2. Push him off of you/get off of him. If you are at his place: 3. Get dressed. 4. Leave. Do not look back. If you are at your place: 3. Grab all the bedclothes. 4. Wrap yourself in them. 5. Throw him out. An ****** is a beautiful thing. Yes, we look silly while it is happening. We sound silly while it is happening. But his reaction *should* be, "Wow, look at that. I did that. And she must really trust me to let go and let that happen." He should not be making you feel self-conscious about your ******, unless he's trying to inhibit them because he cares more about himself. And that? You don't need. There are guys out there who love women who let go during sex. Most of them do, actually.

revanche 2

well this bitch here prob things it's always about the girl