Don't mind me

By evelynn - 20/05/2010 06:25 - France

Today, the guy I'm seeing and I were having sex. While I was having my orgasm, he looked at me and said "SHHHH!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 156
You deserved it 8 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're getting laid, and had an ******... and this bad because...?


281go 4

you probably ruin the mood with the noises your making.... you never know

maybe it was his first and he did not what you were doing?

HBBikes 0

What the **** is anti flood? Sorry, for being retarded :P

Next time don't be so loud... my wife might hear.

GamerGoddess 0

I'm going to guess that in order to make this an FML, the OP negated to say that someone was home - which is the only reason why both he and she should be quiet during sex

Thats what I am thinking. I am very loud during sex too so I make sure no one is home when I am having sex. Who wants to keep it quite when its good?