Don't mind me

By evelynn - 20/05/2010 06:25 - France

Today, the guy I'm seeing and I were having sex. While I was having my orgasm, he looked at me and said "SHHHH!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 156
You deserved it 8 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're getting laid, and had an ******... and this bad because...?


You were probably so loud he was worried someone would hear you. So if that's the case, then it's hardly an FML.

the only time my boyfriend will tell me to shhh is when his mom I sleeping (his room has great sound isolation so she can't hear us) what can I say? the sex us amazing!!!!

This isn't an FML. I have to tell that to my gf when there are people in the house.

perdix 29

If you are too loud it sounds fake. He probably thought you were doing a bad job of overacting and wanted to prevent you from getting a Razzie, in case he was secretly taping your sex.

and your yelling in this forum! be quiet!

Is that shhh as in shit or shhh my mother will hear us. lol

champ10 0

lol he needed to concentrate

dugumit 0

today I banged this chick and she started making noises like a cow. I told her to shhhhh.