Don't snoop

By Anonymous - 19/09/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, I thought that my husband and I were going to work things out, since we’ve been having sex every night. I snooped into his emails today while he was at work, only to see that he’s started the divorce process without telling me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67
You deserved it 78

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you got sex. my wife refused sex, got a job in an another state, rented an apartment and started divorce papers without telling me

tiptoppc 19

My 1st wife slept with my (ex)best friend after getting a job, used a game console i gifted her to chat and game with him, and then moved out, causing me to lose my home and made me homeless and then made me hunt her down to get divorce papers started. Then later took my last name. People named Sarah in my life are the worst.


at least you got sex. my wife refused sex, got a job in an another state, rented an apartment and started divorce papers without telling me

tiptoppc 19

My 1st wife slept with my (ex)best friend after getting a job, used a game console i gifted her to chat and game with him, and then moved out, causing me to lose my home and made me homeless and then made me hunt her down to get divorce papers started. Then later took my last name. People named Sarah in my life are the worst.