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My pal

By Anonymous - 06/09/2011 01:03 - United States

Today, I went to visit my alcoholic father. He remembered to ask me how my dog Reggie is, but could not remember the name of "my pal." My "pal" is also my wife of four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 043
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

could have been worse. could have referenced your wife to the dog instead.

Get your dad some help, instead of bitching about it on FML.


could have been worse. could have referenced your wife to the dog instead.

Could have called the dog his wifes name, I think.

enonymous 8

WTF get back to the real subject OP how the **** is Reggie?!?

sxe_beast 11

@9 - I think 1 was trying to make a joke about OP's wife being a dog?!

He's got a problem. I wouldn't feel bad about him referencing that. I'd be worried about his problem.

They both will if they are used too frequently

Drugs are fine unless you abuse them. It is fun to experiment just play it smart.

marpay 11

At least he asked about "your pal" he could of forgotten about her completely.

Get your dad some help, instead of bitching about it on FML.

Yeah, I was quite disappointed in myself too, seconds after I hit 'Spill the beans!'. :(

Shit goes down when Alan gets disappoint.

Just.. please don't hit me again, dadd-- I mean Alan :(

tehaustiebear 34

Are you trying to tell me people shouldn't post FMLs on FML, and that they should start taking care of their buisness? What's this world coming to..

20- just stfu. Sorry, but someone had to say it.

emmers091 4

he's been an alcoholic since I was little, and I have spent my fair share of time visiting him in rehab. so i'm pretty sure i have a right to post an fml that he doesn't remember my wife's name.

tehaustiebear 34

28- The idea of FML is to share the grief or laugh at their expense, not to tell people how pathetic they are for being on FML. That just goes against everything the site is about. Sorry you're so self-righteous.

Wow he doesnt give a f$ck anymore. Did he asked you to bring him his pack of 24s for the day ?

azcardinals1307 2

Just focus on the good... at least he remembers your dog's name

cali_dude 5

In-laws don't always give a **** about each other. It's to be expected.