
By Anonymous - 02/09/2024 00:00 - United Arab Emirates - Al Ain City

Today, no matter how hard I work, no matter what my position is, and how hard I have earned it, I will keep failing, knowing that the people who succeed won't do a thing to focus directly on advancing or substantially improving human life quality. I will be the last one to consider it, but will never be able to do a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 151
You deserved it 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s life, and life isn’t fair. Hard work just gets you hard work. The greatest relief I experienced in my life was when I retired; I don’t miss working, and my mental health has improved significantly.

Sounds like you need a good therapist. They can help you go from "I will always keep failing" to "I succeeded today".


That’s life, and life isn’t fair. Hard work just gets you hard work. The greatest relief I experienced in my life was when I retired; I don’t miss working, and my mental health has improved significantly.

Sounds like you need a good therapist. They can help you go from "I will always keep failing" to "I succeeded today".

Jobs and career are one thing, social responsibility and good citizenship is another. Your employer pays you to do a job, not to be savior to all around you… OP, if you can’t seem to find a job at which you can succeed, you are either under qualified or looking for the wrong job or just possible sabotaging yourself for some reason. I urge you to see a counselor of some kind if at all possible.