Double standards

By Anonymous - 25/01/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband was offered, and accepted, pain relief during an ultrasound on his scrotum, and I’m sat here remembering how I wasn’t offered any pain relief at all while birthing a 9lb baby, because I was left in the waiting room so long they told me it was too late for an epidural. FML
I agree, your life sucks 663
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pain relief for an ultrasound? That is.... Pathetic.

pain relief for an ultrasound?! what a baby!


pain relief for an ultrasound?! what a baby!

they rarely give women any type of pain meds for anything we go through. not even the iud insertion,removal or the tests that take chunks out. it's aweful but for some reason we don't need any pain relief

Rarely give any type of pain meds for anything women go through? What? I once was listening to a very liberal radio station trying their best to make women sound oppressed. They said that women seek healthcare more often than men and are offered prescriptions more often than men. They were saying this as if it was a bad thing but if the opposite was true they would have said that was bad as well. SMH

That is really untrue. Doctors don't give woman pain relievers, nor do they take their symptoms seriously. I was never offered any pain relief for my iud, nor for a liver biopsy, nor for tissue removal in my cervix to test for cancer.

Pain meds are routine for childbirth. There is a window for the ideal time to administer them. It sounds like you are comparing 2 non related medical procedures and saying that because you missed the window on yours he shouldn't be offered pain meds. Maybe he should accept the pain meds because one time a long time ago you missed out on the opportunity to have some. That's not what you are saying right, because that would be stupid. I have had a testicular examination (not ultrasound). It was not painful but it was for testicular pain. I can imagine if he is in pain he may want some medication.

Pain relief for an ultrasound? That is.... Pathetic.