Dream baby dream

By Lonely - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a date in my dreams. It was a pity date, with someone who is already taken. I can't even get a real date in my dreams. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 111
You deserved it 4 036

Top comments

perdix 29

Wow! You got to live your dreams! Most people don't get the chance to live their dreams, but you do. Hint: Try not to dream of yourself as a pathetic loser.

lmaoatyourlife 0

Nobody wants to date some one who constantly feels sorry for themselves. If you want a date so badly go out, meet new people, even if you're hideously ugly some one will be drunk enough to give you their phone number. Just stop whining!!!!


"Let me help you, George Washington? Even in your DREAMS you're a square!"

bean_dawg 0

Good bye FML. This website is getting pathetic.

Many women these days have certain minimal requirements of potential boyfriends, such as: 1) A place of his own. 2) Full time employment. 3) No drug problem. Having a car can help, in some places. Be cocky, and funny too, if possible. Don't appear to be needy; it's a turnoff, as is a lack of confidence (see page 1, at Weebly, about self confidence). View the comprehensive post on dating, at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/p.html and http://www.wikihow.com/how-to-get-a-date

BLxAnthro 0

I seriously know how that goes...

Kandyland 12

That sucks man. I've had dreams that were similar. I actually had a dream that I went on a date with a friend of mine that I like and at the end of the "date" he said that he just wanted to be friends. wtf? My subconscious is against me sometimes it seems. But it's all good. It evens out with the badass sex dreams. lol

Bacfire54 0

Ugh, that happens to me ALL THE TIME!

funnyguy2697 6