
By Kassiopia - 14/11/2009 12:35 - United States

Today, my Dad decided to take his medicine before eating. He passed out with his face in a plate of chocolate cake. He wasn't responsive so I called the paramedics. When he got to the hospital, the doctor asked him if he knew why he was there. He replied, "Because my stupid daughter overreacted." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 401
You deserved it 3 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why did you interrupt the man in the middle of a cake-gasm?

Ellowise_fml 0

Ignore him. You did the right thing.


Since he reeled out that kind of response without hesitation, you've known about his unpleasant personality for some time. Try to develop a thick skin where he's concerned. Get to the point where his derogatory comments go in one ear and out the other. He'll never change or admit his wrong-doing or apologize. Been there, done that, and know it's best to not give people like this much sway in life.

bad moderating "when he got the hospital" fix it ! ;o

That sucks and whenever someone passes out like that, it's better to be cautious. And to all the negative commenters, HE WAS UNRESPONSIVE. Basic medical training dictates that when someone is unresponsive, medical attention is urgent.

Very true! Especially if you don't know how to assess the situation. It's better to be safe than sorry. Also, some people don't know how to show appreciation. So don't take it personally.

YDI for overeacting he was probably unresponsive because he was in the bliss of his chocolate only natural that he was unresponsive

To 13: The dad isn't necessarily a douche at other times. I've had bad reactions to medications, and I've said and done things that are completely out of character when under their influence. To OP: If this was Ambien, you got off lucky. Side effects can include eating, driving, or having crazy compulsive sex while asleep!

is he stupid? wat if something happened to him? them wat, u'll be blamed for too? at least u did something without taking chances, ur dads an ass

Your father is an ungrateful idiot. Request an apology from him immediately.

freddie_fml 0

My mom did the same thing with me once when I called 911 and ended up in the hospital. She insisted the only reason she was there was because I had "forced her to come." Turns out she had a whole bunch of fluid around her heart and if I hadn't called the ambulance she would have died. Go me. You did the right thing. Parents are just jerks sometimes, especially when they get older and don't like the idea that anyone else is making decisions for them (especially their kids, for whom THEY used to make all the decisions).

you need to remind daddy dearest that you are choosing the home he's going to. use google to find the bad ones that are always making the news!