
By Kassiopia - 14/11/2009 12:35 - United States

Today, my Dad decided to take his medicine before eating. He passed out with his face in a plate of chocolate cake. He wasn't responsive so I called the paramedics. When he got to the hospital, the doctor asked him if he knew why he was there. He replied, "Because my stupid daughter overreacted." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 401
You deserved it 3 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why did you interrupt the man in the middle of a cake-gasm?

Ellowise_fml 0

Ignore him. You did the right thing.


Not a waste of cake, actually. If I did this, I'd just eat the cake when I got home. Yum, facecake!

Mortoli 30

and if daughter didn't take him he coulda finished alone when he woke up lol.

Hey OP, there's a good chance we're sisters. Count to 10 and remember he's not ALWAYS a prick. Just, you know, a lot of the time.

kikaineko_fml 0

And?? Obviously he was joking, and even if he genuinely was annoyed, nothigns going to come of it, this isn't even close to FML material, it would be FML if he said that then died, therefore those were his last words, or if then you passed out and he was released, or somethign, this one is pointless, you should be happy everythings fine, rather than complaining because he made a most likely joking comment.

He insulted you because you were concerned about him? **** him. Tell him next time he stops responding you'll wait until he's putrefying before calling someone. And who's the real idiot anyway? He's the moron who can't take his medicine properly.

My father tried really hard to have a relationship with his own dad for a long time before he finally just had to accept that the guy was a prick. I asked about my grandfather once. Dad just looked at me and said "ya know, you only get one set of parents. Sometime is just doesn't work out." Not saying your dad is that bad, but yeah, sometimes it just doesn't work out.

you feed the man cake and take him to the hospital when hes sick and he gose ahead and call you stupid what do people have to do now a days to gets a little apreciation ?.

Well, that's what you get for being worried for your parents...

Wow, FYI. You did the right for calling for help. Next time just leave him alone. :3